It's hard to believe that it's already been one month! She's already changing so fast. We went back to Dr. Christopherson today (Logan's Orthopedic doctor) for her weekly checkup. We (and lots of others) have been praying so hard that God would heal her hip dysplasia. Well, Logan's hips have "tightened" and are no longer coming out of socket! However, Dr. Christopherson wants to keep Logan in her harness for another six weeks for precautionary reasons to make sure her femurs are completely "set" in the hip socket. This came as a bit of a shock to Mom and Dad because we thought the harness would be gone after her hip joints tightened, and that she'd be able to get rid of the harness today. We had no idea that it would be another six weeks, but we're trying to keep things on a positive note. Mom and Dad realize that Logan is on God's schedule...not ours. We are so thankful that her hip sockets have tightened and I'm sure the six weeks will go by fast. We continue to ask for your prayers that Logan's hip dysplasia will keep improving day-by-day.
Brittney's Aunt Karen came over on Sunday afternoon to take some pictures. Karen was so gracious to volunteer her time and she is so talented! Logan also thanks Aunt Lindsey for making her beautiful dresses! Here are a few of Karen's pics...
Even though she's only a few weeks old and she doesn't walk or talk...I think we could sit and watch Logan's facial expressions all day long. She's a smart one too! She was sucking on her fingers the moment she came out and she immediately figured out how to take off her mittens and her hat (it's pretty funny to watch her pull off this maneuver). Logan is also an escape-artist who has figured out how to get out of her swaddle...even when she's wrapped really tight! She always wants her hands right next to her face and is often seen with her finger either in her mouth, her ear, or her eyeball and she loves to "peek" with one eye open. She also has an innate ability to make Mom and Dad do whatever she wants! Here are some of our favorite expressions...
I'm all wrapped up like a little burrito and I'm about the size of a Baja Burrito (Mom's favorite restaurant!) Welcome to Baja Burrito...Chicken or Steak?
We can't thank our families enough for all the help they've given us so far, and for all the support we'll recieve in the future. It is so great to know that everyone in our family will always be there for us and Logan! Our friends and family have made the transition to parenthood that much smoother...between all the delicious meals, gifts, diaper changes, and good company, it makes us realize just how blessed we really are to have everyone in our lives! With Logan being the first grandchild on Dad's side and the second on Mom's side (by a slim margin...Brittney's sister, Lindsey, had her baby boy five days before Logan arrived), it was safe to say that everyone was a little excited for her arrival.
Gigi and Logan all snuggled up
Logan cuddling with Tilli (We're still debating how to spell Tilli, pronounced "Till-eee", so any suggestions are apprectiated.)
Logan and Ward
Logan and Grumpy
Uncle Cole and "soon to be" Aunt Audra
Aunt Caryn
We were so glad that Uncle Brad, Aunt Lindsey, Uncle Jason, and Aunt Cayce got to come see Logan. They couldn't make it to the birth, since Lindsey somehow had a "prior obligation". So they all made the trec up to Nashville form Birmingham so that Logan could meet her new cousin Preston!It was great to see them, even if it wasn't for very long.
Aunt Lindsey
Aunt Cayce (with Preston) and Uncle Jason (with Logan)
Daddy Brad and Daddy Matthew with their little ones
We've been meaning to start a blog for a while now, but a few things have kept us a little busy lately (babies and such). Logan Avery Griffith was born on February 25th at 4:32 pm (2 1/2 weeks early). She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. Dr. Morgan told us that if we'd have waited until the due date, Logan would probably have easily been 9 lbs! Mom is VERY glad God sent her a little early! Praise God that Logan's kidney's are functioning normal! She had dilated kidneys throughout our ultrasounds, which kept us worried a little bit.
However, Logan does have bilateral hip dysplasia which basically means her tendons are stretched around her femurs and causes her femur to dislocate from her hip socket. I know it sounds painful, but apparently babies are so "pliable" that they don't feel it at all. So our orthopedic doctor put her in a Pavlic Harness to correct the dysplasia. Mom and Dad were both kind of freaked out at first, but Logan doesn't mind the harness one bit! In fact, she may even like it. Studies show that if the dysplasia is caught while a child is a newborn, then the harness corrects it 90-95% of the time. Dr. Christopherson, our orthopedic doctor, told us that if it's not corrected in a month, then they will put Logan in a hard cast for a while. We're really hoping this isn't the case, but at least they caught the displaysia early! Mom and Dad both feel much better about the situation after hearing from several people that either they or someone else they know had hip dysplasia and they are all perfectly fine and healthy! So please pray that her hips are corrected!!!
Otherwise, our angel is doing great...just eating, pooping, sleeping, and watching NCAA March Madness with her dad. We look forward to keeping everyone updated on our adventures!
Mom, Dad, and Logan - Our angel has arrived!
My Coming Home Outfit...Look at all my hair!
My paci got stuck on my fingers...Mom and Dad thought it was hilarious!
Logan in her car seat...Can my paci be any bigger?